Creating a new ZFS pool

  • Select the “Storage” main menu item on the left of the screen.

  • Select the “ZFS Pool manager” sub menu tab.

  • The main area will then display the list of all available pools along with the datasets/block device volumes in each of the pools.

  • At the bottom of the list, you will see a button which allows you to create a new pool.

You will need to enter/select the following information to create a pool :

Pool name : Specify a name of the new pool.

Data protection scheme : Depending upon the number of underlying unused disks available, you can choose from one of displayed layout schemes.

Number of disks in RAID : If you have selected a RAID based layout then use this to select the number of disks that you want in the RAID.

RAID 10 stripe width : This option is enabled when you select a RAID 10 layout. Use this to select the stripe width for the RAID 10 layout.

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